RouteIT allows entities and companies to optimize their logistics operations based on a pre-set plan. RouteIT provides our customers with a mechanism that will take as input a list of deliveries and pickups and, based on the available resources and predefined rules, generates a series of optimised routes.
RouteIT includes a configurable Routing Engine capable of generating optimised routes while handling a variety of constraints such as TIME delivery and collection time-windows, client stop times, maximum driving time, maximum duty time and break times), maximum driving distance, total vehicle payloads, total vehicle volume, maximum client stops within route, as well as maximum number of packages.
RouteIT is deployed as a background process and also supports a Graphical User Interface which enables customers to view and set configuration parameters. This GUI also includes route visualization facilities. It also provides basic routing engine calibration data for every depot (branch or storehouse – a logistics node) being used which is derived from the analyses of each depot’s operation over a period of time.
PlanIT is a graphical network planning tool which facilitates the analysis and optimisation of depot locations and depot service regions within a PUD network. It combines depot capacity constraints with actual and projected network volumes to manage required alterations to the network setup. PlanIT can be deployed modularly offering individual or seamlessly integrated network planning and route optimisation functionalities to allow end-to-end simulations.
Product Strengths
LOQUS has over the years developed avant-garde software solutions which it has successfully marketed both locally and internationally. We place great importance on creating cost-effective solutions that provide our clients with the greatest return on their investment. Our research and development team is constantly seeking new ways to integrate cutting-edge technologies into our product range, while maintaining the key elements of all our solutions: speed, ease of use, robustness and cost-effectiveness.
LOQUS provides an efficient dynamic route optimisation solution. The solution allows depot managers, route managers, dispatchers and operations managers to optimize deliveries, pickups and jobs based on the way they work, however greatly improved.
Flexible deployment on all hardware platforms, supporting for a wide range of popular databases.
Click here to download the solution's brochure.